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¡Feliz Día Nacional! Happy Hispanic Day!

2020-10-12 1442 Font size:

Today (October 12) is Hispanic Day (Día de la Hispanidad) or National Day of Spain (Fiesta Nacional de España). As an annual public holiday, it commemorates when Christopher Columbus first set foot in America in 1492.




It could be learned that on this day, normally the King of Spain supervises the raising of the Spanish national flag in the center of Madrid. After that, he and the Prime Minister lead a military parade, which includes representatives from most of Spain's military units and various military vehicles. Armed forces' planes perform aerobatics above the parade route and display yellow and red smoke to represent the Spanish flag. Radio, television and Internet news services broadcast live on these events. There are also plenty of other celebrations that take place throughout the rest of the country.




Hispanic Day is a day off work and an opportunity to spend time quietly at home or in the company of family members and close friends. Very different from the 7-day National Day holiday in China, many stores are closed in Spain but some bakers and food stores may be open.




If the public holiday happens to be connecting a weekend, people would like to, very similar as the case in China, use the long weekend to take a short vacation at home or abroad. But this year might be an exception, given the pending second strike of the coronavirus. In this case, home becomes the safest place.




It is said that people in the Aragon region also commemorate Our Lady of the Pillar, the patron saint, on this day. It is said that on the 12th of October in a 1st-century-ish year, the Virgin Mary revealed herself in Zaragoza, holding the holy pillar. Therefore, a Fiesta de El Pilar is held locally every year. 



Well, how are our Cablescomers doing in Zaragoza? Whatever, happy Hispanic Day and good health!



According to the Julian calendar, Christopher Columbus set sail from the port of Palos de la Frontera in South-West Spain on August 3, 1492. He landed on an island that is now part of the Bahamas in the Caribbean on October 12, 1492. He named it San Salvador.


按儒略历,哥伦布于1492年8月3日从西班牙西南部的Palos de la Frontera港出发,于当年10月12日登陆位于加勒比巴哈马的一个岛上。哥伦布将该岛命名为圣萨尔瓦多。


The anniversary of this date is also marked as Discovery Day in the Bahamas, Day of the Cultures in Costa Rica, and so on in Latin American countries. In North America, the second Monday of October is Columbus Day in the United States—this year, it falls on October 12.



To celebrate Spanish as one of the 6 official languages in the UN and the 2nd largest language in terms of the users’ population worldwide, the UN also endorses October 12 as the Spanish Language Day.



Today we celebrate Hispanic Day because we have our colleagues in Cablescom, Zaragoza, Spain. We celebrate it also because, in the face of the unprecedented challenges, we believe it could not be more relevant to remember the great courage and confidence of the humankind, in the past and today, in navigating through the unpredictable difficulties and ending up with victory.




Once again, ¡Feliz Día Nacional!
