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Fiber Mile Remaining 18% Growth Rate in the Past Three Quarters

2014-11-4 999 Font size:

          Because of the 4th-generation development, the public think that the optical fiber and related cables are doomed to futility, yet the development is not as bad as people expected with 18% growth rate instead during the past three quarters. Some optical fiber and cable manufacturers even indicate that the production of optical fiber and cable is in short supply in some regions. 
Even though the FTTx will never boost the requirement of optical fiber and cables as it did, yet it has always increased the requirement. Besides, the 4th-generation has not influenced operators’ investment on optical networking. What’s more, the popular rumor of China Telecom and China Unicom’s decreasing fixed investment does not seem to be happening. The most important point is that after China Mobile’s receiving FTNS licenses, it started to launch aggressive activities to construct fixed network to further increase the requirement on optical fiber and cables. At the same time, remote fiber technology which has been adopted in the 4th-generation will also bring along the development of Specialty Optical Fiber market.