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Interview of the CEO of Hengtong Rus LLC at the exhibition ELECTRICAL NETWORKS Russia-2017.

2018-1-19 1536 Font size:

In Moscow, on VDNH, from December 5 to 8, the 20th Anniversary International Exhibition "ELECTRIC NETWORKS OF RUSSIA 2017" was held, one of the key events in the electric power industry in Russia. Portal RusCable.Ru traditionally acted as the general information Internet partner in this event.

The large-scale exposition and business program of the exhibition attracted a huge number of representatives of the domestic power grid complex, manufacturers of equipment and materials for the power industry, both in the quality of visitors and exhibitors. Over the course of four days, the exhibitors demonstrated the most advanced technologies and innovative solutions aimed at developing the Russian electric power industry.

Hengtong Optic-Electric is a national innovation company that specializes in diversified areas, covering the fiber and electricity network, as well as the construction and operation of the network, financial services, capital investments, industrial Internet, cultural and tourist real estate. Hengtong owns 50 wholly-owned companies and holding companies (3 of which are listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Singapore, Hong Kong and Indonesia), establishes industrial bases in 10 provinces of China and in Europe, South America, South Africa, South Asia and South-East Asia, as well as marketing of technology services in more than 30 countries and regions of the world, supplying products in more than 120 countries and regions.

The correspondent of RusCable.Ru portal talked with Victor Rumiantsev, CEO of Hengtong Rus LLC, about the plans and prospects for the company's work in the Russian and world markets.

- Victor, tell our readers about the company Hengtong Optic-Electric and products that the company produces.
- Hengtong Optic-Electric is well-known, not only in China, but also worldwide manufacturer of cable products. The interest in this company lies in the fact that it produces virtually all types of cable, starting from power underwater, with a voltage of up to 500 kV, and ending with a cable that is used for telecommunications. The power cable includes cables that are used in all industries, from transport, electric transport, to mining enterprises and offshore platforms, drilling, gas, and oil.

- What projects have been implemented in Russia today?
- The most significant is the construction of an energy bridge with the laying of a submarine cable connecting Taman and Kerch. Further, the company participated in two more projects, as well as the laying of an underwater cable in St. Petersburg and on the island of Konevets for the Konevets monastery. Therefore, our partners can already be considered and the Federal Grid Company, Rosseti, and Rosneft. 
The three largest customers for our company, this is an indicator that the company is developing steadily and moving in the right direction. Also in the same year, we announced and implemented projects related to telecommunications for the supply of LAN cables to the Russian Federation for our suppliers who have their own network for the realization of this product for the public already.

- And what projects are planned for the near future?
- In the new year, we hope that we will be able to participate in projects related to the development of the Arctic coast, and we hope that there will be new projects not only in the field of telecommunications cable, but also in the field of projects related to the possible localization of our own production in Russia. Now this issue is being discussed. We are negotiating with a group of companies that are interested in the same way as we are in creating a small enterprise that would produce a modern cable using the latest technologies used by Hengtong.

- We know that Hengtong is engaged in creating a cable-free cable connection. Can you tell us more about this?
- Yes, the company currently manufactures equipment, which is used for the so-called smooth cable connection technology. This technology has interested the company in Moscow, specifically MOESK and its main general contractor, MKSM. I think that this technology will be interesting to other general suppliers who work in the field of cable laying and repair of cable lines. And I think that this technology would be quite popular in Russia, because it allows to refuse of couplings, because the couplings are replaced during repair.
 The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to increase the cable. This technology significantly reduces the cost of the repair process and, accordingly, turns our company, and the owners of such technologies into a serious player in the market of cable and wire products in Russia.

- Please tell us more about the company.
- The company's factories are located on the banks of the Yangtze River, and the peculiarity of this location is that when rolling the cable, directly from the factory the cable is fed to a ship that is in a small port. And loading is carried out directly in the ship's hold.
 This makes it possible to roll up to 40 kilometers of power cable in one length, that is without couplings, and, accordingly, to lay this cable very quickly. Such a product is more reliable. This is important, first, for laying the cable under the water, because it is possible to ensure the input and output of the cable into the water without the need for installation work. Another feature is that the company produces fiber, starting from the production of its own preforms and, accordingly, the glass fiber itself, which stretches from these preforms. The quality of Hengtong fiberglass is one of the best in the world. Moreover, the company takes the third place in the world to produce this type of cable, that is, fiber optic cable and, accordingly, the fiber itself.
We are interested in supplying such a cable in Russia. We hope that our telecommunication cable, which Huawei acquires for the needs of Rostelecom, will become quite popular in Russia, and accordingly we will be able to attend the market as well.

- And in the end, please tell us what the company is waiting soon?
- The stand says that our company is now "firmly on its feet" and has opportunities to do business in Russia, to represent the interests of the group of companies Hengtong Optic-Electric. All manufacturers of cable products, ranging from fiber to high-voltage cable. Therefore, we look to the future confidently enough, and we think that with the support of such a cable giant as the Hengtong Optic-Electric, we will be able to achieve serious, good results. And we hope that we will compete with many Western companies that are doing business in Russia today.